Wednesday, April 20, 2016

sad news

Fellow faithful reader. It pains me to write this but when you are this close to a conspiracy it comes as little surprise. Somber Quinn, original founder of the Ghost Sightings, died early this morning as a fire destroyed his home. Accident? Hard to tell. I haven't learned anything from the police or the fire department other than no foul play was suspected. Likely story. There never is in Emerald City. I know some of you will accuse me of sensationalizing our founder's death... but the true believers among you know the truth. Quinn finally got too close or finally made a mistake that cost him his life. Trust me, I met Somber Quinn and he would never have been a victim of an accident like this. Still don't believe me... check this. I discovered a draft of a post Quinn planned on releasing today. It contained the following:

"Tonight I met with someone I believe to be the new Unknown even if she were not as convinced as I was. She was waiting for me when I got home. How she found me, I don't know. I told her everything I knew about the truth behind Emerald City. I fear she will not remember our encounter or worse yet, only remember my answers to her questions... as questions themselves. Hopefully not, dear Seeker of Truth. Maybe she is the one that will finally expose the Chamber. I will met with her again soon. Don't worry. I will continue to detail our encounters."

I tell you faithful reader, I've met the woman in question. She is right in the middle of the Vanguard conspiracy. I am afraid that maybe it was this woman who may have killed Quinn. The new Unknown... indeed.