Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Art thief recruited into the Vanguard

The Grey Ghost can confirm that the mysterious non-costumed woman seen occasionally with Doctor "Bad" Robot, Shota the dimensional invader and Ultima the undocumented alien is notorious art thief Adela Karensdatter. What, never heard of her you say? There is a good reason for that. She is almost as much of a ghost as yours truly. But make no mistake, before she was recruited into the Vanguard she was a professional burglar. How did she get away with it for so long without a well documented Interpol criminal record. Get this, she has the following super powers, teleportation, telekinesis and invisibility. How did she get them? Good Question! This ghost can't find any information on her before 7 years ago. It is as if she materialized out of thin air, and with her questionable powerset I believe she did just that. What is her agenda? Why is Max Mars so interested in her? What is she hiding? I smell the Chamber all over this. You heard it here first.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like an unfair characterization. Ms. Karensdatter is no doubt an upstanding citizen who is trying to get to the bottom of this...
